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Shoe Organization from A to Z

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Gather Them All

The first step to organizing your shoes involves putting them all in one place. Find other pairs in your home and throw a big party. Once you see how many you have, you’ll better know how many can stay or go. Count the total number if you want to know exactly how many bins, boxes, or racks you’ll need to house your collection.

Organize by Category

It’s now time to break things down into more manageable chunks. Organize shoes by type so it’s easier to find the right pair later. For example, which shoes would you wear to a wedding or formal event? Find others that fit the bill and group them together. By seeing them in one place, you’ll be able to ask yourself, “Why do I have five pairs of black sneakers?” or “How many formal events do I go to?” The organization helps you get the ball rolling. 

Divide and Conquer

Grouping like with like helps you spot unnecessary duplicates or similar pairs. For example, unless you wear flip-flops every day, you probably don’t need three pairs in the same color. If you love dress shoes but wear them rarely, can you let go of a few? Try to take some from every major category, especially if they’re not very useful in your daily life. You’ll feel better about the ‘loss’ by gifting these extras to friends or family or donating them to a local charity. 


Shoes you wear should always be kept in a convenient place. Consider placing a shoe rack close to the front door or strategically in your closet for easy access. Everything else should be sorted and stored in terms of importance. If you wear other shoes regularly, keep them in an over-the-door hanger or a storage rack. Pairs that are bulky or worn less often can go in a bin or under the bed until you need them. Consider sorting by season, too.

Explore Storage Options

More often than not, shoe disorganization stems from not having enough storage. (Sometimes, it’s just a matter of not putting things away, but that’s a separate issue.) If you quickly realize you have more shoes than homes for them, shop for storage options. Are you looking for something transparent to showcase your beauty? What about collapsible storage that’s easy to move? Consider your space, personal preference, and budget to get extra containers if needed.

Extra Supplies

While shoe organization and maintenance are two separate things, serious enthusiasts understand the importance of both. Some shoes or boots need to be stored upright to maintain their shape. If that’s the case, look for things like boot shapers as vertical inserts or similar accessories. Shoe horns or shoe trees are other shape-saving tools to keep your footwear on fleek.

Final Thoughts

Taking advantage of an impressive shoe collection requires some planning and organization. Show them the appreciation they deserve by putting every pair in its place. Taking ownership of your fancy footwear will make your closet and shoe choices much more manageable.

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