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The One-to-One Rule of Clean Closets

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We’ve all been there: staring at a closet full of clothes without knowing where to begin. Organizing plays a part, but having too much stuff can slow you down. It’s time to face the problem head-on and toss half the pile. By giving yourself a goal and a strategy, a manageable closet is definitely within reach. Here are a few ways to clean closets in a big way.

First things first: respect the ratio. For every item you keep, another is tossed or donated. While that may sound like a lot (because it actually is), breaking it into categories helps keep things in perspective.

Wrong Sizes

Anyone who has gone up or down on the scale will likely have extra clothes. The problem is they need to be more helpful in a size too big or small! What you think is prudent instead causes clutter. Let go of the fact that your size may change, and embrace who you are today. In the meantime, get rid of the excess clothes for a closet worth celebrating.


Like most people, you may have a few duplicates lying around. Whether it’s six tees in the same color or a backup pair of shoes, they take up valuable space for practically no reason. It’s okay to have two of something you wear frequently. Aside from that, it’s got to go.

Think Volume

We tend to think of clothes in terms of numbers, but volume matters. Sweaters are unique, but must they take up half of your shelf? Other items, like bathrobes or sweatshirts, steal space like nobody’s business. Take a long, hard look at your bulky apparel to fast-track closet cleanliness.

 The 80:20 Rule

Most of your closets should fit the 1:1 ratio, though the 80:20 rule also has its place. In this case, things you use regularly should take up 80% of your closet. Those are work wear, jeans, favorite jackets, and go-to outfits. They’re not cocktail party dresses, fifty different swimsuits, or fancy suits collecting dust. Unless your life consists of lofty galas, beach photoshoots, and guest speaking, these things have no home in your closet. Get ready to free your mind and closet from unrealistic expectations.


Yes, shoes are part of your wardrobe! They may not be exclusive to your closet but they take up plenty of real estate. There are shoes you use every day, and some for inclement weather. You may need a couple pairs of dress shoes and sandals for summer. Two-thirds of your shoes can be sent on their way. If they’re something you use sparingly, they’re a good use of space.


Being comfortable has its place, but sweats don’t have a place in a clean closet. Stocking up on yoga pants or oversized hoodies may seem like a good idea, but having a whole collection is never wise. It’s time to bulk down in a big way. Find your favorites and make space for other clothing duplicates.


You need to get real with your accessories, from purses to umbrellas and everything in between. There’s an entire corner devoted to bags and backpacks. Even makeup, jewelry, and perfume take up a piece of the pie. Challenge yourself to choose the most essential accessories and donate the rest; your shelves will thank you.

DIY Projects

How many of your clothes are sitting around collecting dust? If your DIY imagination is no fit for reality, it’s time to face facts. There’s a reason you still need to get around to hemming all your jeans or fixing every tear. Make a pile of clothes you’re willing to have repaired professionally and say goodbye to the rest. Life is too short to mend every stitch by hand.

Jackets by Season

Here’s the deal: jackets take up tons of room. They also serve different purposes by weight, weather, and wear. It’s not practical to toss jackets with reckless abandon. Instead, consider keeping one (or possibly two!) for each reason or season. For example, two winter jackets are always a good idea, but six is excessive. You can pack up out-of-season jackets and store them elsewhere, such as an attic space, until needed. Your savvy selection will save you in the long run.

Final Thoughts

Whether it’s a love of sweats or weather preparedness that’s filled your closet to bursting, there are plenty of ways to pare down. Be realistic about what gets used to help keep yourself on track. Remember, there’s no point in wading through a sea of fabric when trying to get dressed! Tough love and innovative strategies cut through closet clutter in no time. Are you ready to clean your closets? Tell us your tips in the comments section.

Image by Freepik

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