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Top 7 Secrets to a Perpetually Clean House

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It’s a sad but true fact of life – there are only so many hours in the day. And, time spent cleaning is time that could be spent doing something else. That’s why I’ve come up with my best ways to keeping your house clean without spending a lot of time. So, let’s go and discover the secrets to a perpetually clean house.

1. Perpetually clean kitchen surfaces as your cook.

Professionals chefs do this all day – they clean as they go. Have a cleaning towel and a garbage can next to you as you cook. It’s the easiest and most impactful thing you can do.

Don’t let crumbs pile up on countertops. Also, get rid of empty boxes or wrappers immediately. Most of all, throw out what was left during food prep. Keep in mind that any kind of edible can attract bugs, which is not only disgusting but unhealthy.

Also, make sure you wipe down all surfaces with a damp cloth. This means the walls and floor as well as cabinets and windowsills. Dirt and germs compound faster than a saving account at the bank. So, try not to let things get too messy!

2. Do a quick once-over before bed.

One of the best habits you can develop is wiping down your kitchen before bed. I know it’s hard to believe, but your kitchen will be significantly cleaner. Not only does this method help, but it also makes for a more relaxing morning.

Here’s how it works:

  • Clean off any debris from the counters, stovetop and sink. This will take five minutes if everything has been put away properly at dinner.
  • Wipe down all countertops with a damp rag or cloth again. I like using my microfiber cloths because they’re great at grabbing dirt without leaving streaks.
  • Next comes the microwave. I usually just rinse mine out with soap and water since there isn’t much inside besides food residue anyway.

3. Dust when you see it.

Dust – the enemy of to perpetually clean house. Dusting is one of the easiest ways to keep your home looking and feeling clean. Dusting not only removes surface dust and allergens but also prevents mold from forming on furniture and other surfaces.

Once you’ve dusted, you’ll be able to see where there might still be dirt or grime that needs attention! Dusting can even help with asthma symptoms, as it reduces the number of allergens in an environment.

As you dust around your house, don’t forget about your electronics: computer screens (and keyboards), televisions and appliances all need regular dustings as well! Dusting often will prevent issues like scratches on screens or keys sticking in keyboards—and it’s much less expensive than having them professionally repaired by someone else!

If you want your home to stay clean without having to put in so much effort yourself every day, then consider using a robotic vacuum cleaner, or battery powered vacuum cleaner. Trust me when I say these things work wonders for keeping floors clean.

4. Check off one task for the day.

The best way to clean is to do it while you’re doing something else that you enjoy. So, if you can’t find 30 minutes in your day for cleaning, how about 15? Or 10? Or even 5?

It’s not a race. Perpetually cleaning your home is an investment. If it helps you get on board with the idea of doing a little bit every day. Don’t wait until one weekend when all hell breaks loose – you’ll be spending hours trying to catch up. That’s what I did for years and years before I realized that life doesn’t need to be so stressful all the time.

So, try this: Decide on one task or chore (maybe dusting) that needs done. Make it easy and commit yourself to getting it done. It could be after dinner or after work; when kids are playing outside or watching TV; while on the phone with someone else who needs some help around their house too.

The point is just make sure that one item gets checked off your list each time. So, there isn’t any anxiety about having left something undone later on down the road. You’ll say to yourself – “you just didn’t have time” during those precious moments with your family or yourself.

5. Have a “home” for everything.

Secrets to a perpetually clean house – class is in session. Have a “home” for everything. As soon as you are done using something, put it away. If you don’t have a place for it, then make one! You’ll be surprised at how much time and effort can be saved by getting into the habit of tidying up right away after finishing a task.

A great way to keep things organized is with containers and baskets that serve as homes for all kinds of objects—from mail and keys to craft supplies and toys. Keeping items in their proper homes helps prevent clutter from forming over time, which makes life easier when looking for things later on down the road (and gives you less work during cleanup).

Keeping trash bags throughout your living spaces will also help cut back on messes caused by littering around the house: Simply toss any waste into these bags before throwing them out later on!

6. Don’t let things pile up in the bathroom.

The bathroom is one of the hardest rooms to keep perpetually clean. Without regular maintenance, used towels will pile up. Cold wet towels aren’t pleasant when you leave them on the floor all day.

I have four simple rules:

  • Don’t let dirty towels sit around on the floor – put it in hamper when done.
  • Wipe out the shower or tub when you use it.
  • Empty out trash cans every week.
  • Wipe something down, like the mirror, before washing your hands.

7. Put your laundry away immediately so it doesn’t stack up.

The first thing to do is put away laundry as soon as you can. This means not letting it pile up in a basket, or on the floor, or on a chair, or even on a table. It should be folded and put into drawers right away so that space is freed up for more clothes to be washed and folded.

If you have children, they would love to help. All you need to do is ask – be sure to make a big deal out of it. Kids need those little positive reinforcements from you. It gives them a purpose and feeling of doing something good.

Also, if your family has a “laundry day”, keep track of how much time each person spends on this task. Make sure the tasks are evenly divided, easy, and quick. Making it easy is the number one idea to making it sustainable.

A few small steps can make a big difference!

Yes, it’s true. Knowing a few secrets to a perpetually clean house makes all the difference in the world. One minute of extra effort today might mean that you have an extra five minutes tomorrow and so on until your whole day is suddenly free from clutter. It all starts with those small steps.

It’s very easy to become overwhelmed by everything we need to do around the house, especially if we’re trying to do it all at once. But starting with one task at a time makes cleaning up seem less daunting and allows us to actually get things done.

Don’t worry about taking care of everything on your list before moving onto another item; just start somewhere and go from there! You’ll find yourself enjoying this new habit so much that you won’t want to stop. Don’t try to change everything at once.


So, there you have it! Having these secrets to a perpetually clean house is not as hard as some people think. With these tips, you can clean with ease and still have time for the things that matter most to you. The key is to make cleaning a habit – focus on what will make the task easy. You’ll find yourself looking forward to cleaning time instead of dreading it!

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