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Maintain what you have organized, arranged, and cleaned.

Step 4.

The maintenance step is all about monitoring the first three steps. Go through and ask yourself – is it necessary? Is it neatly in its assigned spot? Is that area clean?

    1. What standards are there to go by?
      1. Writing is a highly effective way of tracking what you need to do. You write it down so you don’t have to remember everything. Also, it keeps you from missing something.
        1. Do you have cleaning lists, grocery lists, or pantry lists? Keep track of your quantities and how often you use those things. Stay out of the position of underbuying or overbuying things.
        2. Can you quickly locate an item needed daily or weekly? If not, consider readjusting the location. Move things around or make labels more obvious.
        3. Do you need a better tool for the job? Is this task going to take too long? Keep asking yourself high-level questions and get to the root of the problem. Practice asking ‘why’ all the time.