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The Simple, And Smart, Guide To Cleaning Your Kitchen Hood & Filter

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It’s winter, and how often are you cleaning your kitchen exhaust hood? It is essential to clean this like any other appliance. We all know that cleaning the kitchen is a challenging task. Between food splatters on surfaces to general food prep messes, it’s tempting to put off cleaning as long as possible. With a bit of work and a few smart tips from this article on how to clean your hood & filter, you’ll be able to get through the dirty work faster than ever before!

What tools and products do I need?

Start with hot water and soap. There is no reason to buy heavy cleaning solutions or those expensive pre-wetted cleaning wipes. Here’s a list of the tools and products, with links, you’ll need to clean your kitchen hood and filter like a pro:


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Cleaning the hood filter.

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) states one out of every five restaurant fires was caused by not cleaning the exhaust fan filter. Grease builds up, attracts dirt particles, and becomes a fuel source. Afterward, it’s a source of ignition.

I know what you’re saying right now – I don’t have a restaurant in my home. That is true, but this is still highly relevant. The level of cleaning matters based on the level of cooking you do. Over time, the oil spatters and smoke you cause by cooking will build up on your filter. Also, modern homes adopt commercial kitchen styles.

A dirty filter can cause the fan to work harder, increasing your energy bill and damaging the motor. Plus, a dirty filter will make your kitchen smell bad.

Building codes are typically enforced by the state you live in. Also, fire codes vary by state, so you must consult your state’s regulatory agency. However, courtesy of the NFPA, I’ve included their recommended interval for cleaning your exhaust.

How should I clean my kitchen filter? It’s as simple as running it through your dishwasher. Depending on how dirty it is, warm it up with hot water or pre-soak it with a natural degreaser. If it is too far gone, replace it.

How often should I surface clean my kitchen hood?

Cleaning the hood’s exterior is easy. You can use a microfiber towel and soapy water for the outside and underneath. Afterward, be sure to wipe it thoroughly with a damp microfiber towel.

If your hood is made of stainless steel, you can clean it with hot soapy water. You can use a stainless steel cleaner for the best result.


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What should I NOT use?

Should I use baking soda or powdered cleaners? Once wet, it could get gloppy and remain embedded in the filter. You may or may not be able to wash it out. So, stay away from these.

Vinegar is another solution I prefer to avoid. There’s a phrase used in the chemistry world – like dissolves like. Meaning vinegar, aka acetic acid, will not do a stellar job of cleaning grease. Plus, it just stinks and could seriously damage the metal.


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It’s super simple, and you are doing what the Pros do – making things easy. If you clean your kitchen hood often, it’ll look so lovely. After all, it is the focal point of the kitchen. Just remember that the vent filter must be free of grease. Could you add a reminder to your phone? You’ll pay less for energy, be happier with the way your home smells, and, most importantly, mitigate any fires.

*Photo by Sidekix Media on Unsplash

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