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4 Reasons to Get Your Area Rug Professional cleaned

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Area rugs can add a touch of luxury and comfort to your home. They are also great for adding color and personality to your space. However, if you don’t clean them regularly, they can quickly become stained and faded. This blog post discusses four reasons to get your rug cleaned by a professional.  I’ve also included YouTube link to show the process for cleaning really dirty rugs – it’s quite interesting to watch.

You will get a deep clean.

Vacuuming may not be effective in removing all dust and debris from the fibers of your rug. The best way to ensure a deep clean is to leave the job to a professional cleaner. Professional cleaners have high-end equipment that can reach the deepest layers of an area rug to extract debris, stains, and odors. In addition, they use cleaning techniques specially designed for different types of carpets, such as Persian rugs. This ensures a safe cleaning for every job.

Your rug will last longer.

It may seem like it would take less time to clean your rug, but in reality, it will take you longer to do a sub-par job than if you let the professionals handle it. Not only can they clean it more thoroughly, but they will also know how to treat any specific problems that your rug may have. The result will be a rug that smells fresh and new.

When your rug is clean, it will last longer. This is because dirt particles can grind on a carpet and eventually wear down the rug’s fibers. When you get your rugs professionally cleaned, they’ll last longer because all those dirt particles are removed from them. 

Improve the health of your home. 

Dust mites love dirty environments, and cleaning your rug is a sure way to eliminate these pesky creatures. Dirty rugs can exacerbate allergic reactions — especially if you have pets. Both pets and humans can unknowingly bring all manner of nasties into the house. Bacteria, dust, and grime can easily be tracked into the home on the soles of shoes or paws. If not cleaned well, the bacteria and germs will multiply and could eventually lead to health issues.

Improve the visual appeal of your home. 

Aside from looking incredible, clean rugs improve air quality inside your home. An expert will remove contaminants trapped in your carpet fibers and freshen up the room with a pleasant scent. Fragrance-free cleaning products also can be used for people sensitive to perfumes.

When your area rugs are dirty, they make your whole room look dingy and dark, even if you have other clean areas in the same room (like windows or walls). Having an area rug professionally cleaned will help to brighten up any space.


Even though you can still clean your rug with a vacuum cleaner, professional area rug cleaners are better still. The professionals will remove the dirt and dust from your carpet and protect it from future build-up. In addition to removing visible and hidden debris, professionals also ensure that your rug remains dust-free for a long time. This will prolong its life and ensure it retains its original looks for longer.

Image by Curtis Adams

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